Coach’s Corner

Hello from the other side!

*Picture credit: Nikita Loreggian, facebook As an athlete, race day nerves fly out the window as soon as the start gun goes off.  Adrenalin kicks and then off we go. As a coach, race day nerves almost lasts 24 hours. You pitch up when transition opens. Nervously checking your phone for messages from within transition.

By |2023-03-13T09:40:16+00:00March 13th, 2023|Coach's Corner|0 Comments

2020… A recipe.

2020. The longest year in triathlon history. Littered with rescheduled races, cancelled races, new rules and restrictions for racing, masks, sanitisers, lockdowns, curfews, training limitations, no refunds, partial refunds, frustration, uncertainty and fear. Covid-19 came like a thief in the night and turned the whole world upside down. If you were not affected by this,

By |2020-12-31T21:47:18+00:00December 31st, 2020|Coach's Corner|1 Comment

Trimester 3 – Running to the finish line.

"I made it!". Usually the first thought I have when reaching that mount/dismount line after the bike leg of a triathlon. The thought of getting out of the saddle and stretching my legs and back properly after 180km's on the bike is something to look forward to, even if it means that next up is

By |2021-01-08T20:02:18+00:00September 13th, 2019|Coach's Corner|0 Comments

Infinitude Training Camp 2018

The Infinitude Coaching Tribe at Nduna Lodge.Front: Gerard Hung, Estelle Gilbert, Pieter BadenhorstBack: Louise Strydom (Coach), Jacky van Heerden, San-Mari Badenhorst, Carin Badenhorst, Andrew Crocker, Jarryd Irvine (Coach)Photographer: Andre van Heerden Our triathlon season is from September to June, so most of my athletes have to train over December holidays anyway, so why not get

By |2020-12-31T21:46:22+00:00December 22nd, 2018|Coach's Corner|1 Comment
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